Kate Scheer

Marketing communications executive at W&H (UK) Ltd

Out with the old, and in with the upgradeable

Kate Scheer covers the importance of keeping up to date with technology.

A peri bad time

Kate Scheer considers the issue of periimplantitis.

The importance of ergonomics

Kate Scheer explains how to incorporate it into everyday practice to mitigate back pain.

Getting to the root of the problem

Kate Scheer discusses how prescription meds can affect the success of dental implants.

Small steps that can have a big impact on challenging extraction cases

Kate Scheer provides advice on how to prepare effectively.

The importance of dental implant stability

Kate Scheer considers how to ensure successful osseointegration.

Time to enhance your infection control

Kate Scheer considers sanitisation in the winter months.

Setting young patients up for life

Kate Scheer considers the challenges of treating children.

Optimising energy consumption in your practice 

Kate Scheer discusses sustainable solutions for the rising price of energy. 

No strain, no pain

Kate Scheer explains the cause and treatment of musculoskeletal pain.

The keys to success

Kate Scheer looks at ways to improve your results.