Dental Implants

The impact of nutrition and lifestyle

The Dentist talks to Nina Farmer about a whole body approach to patient care.

Treating vertical and horizontal bone loss

Selvaraj Balaji presents a complex case of implant placement achieved with predictable hard and soft tissue augmentation techniques.

Dental implants remain functional after forty years, study reveals

Dental implants used to replace single teeth continue to function well after several decades, according to a study from the University of Gothenburg.

Immediate implant placement

Fazeela Khan-Osborne explores how to provide aesthetic and functional results.

Informed implant treatment

Nimisha Nariapara discusses the importance of effective imaging solutions.

Soft tissue shaping

A look at how to incorporate the technique in a prosthetically driven implant treatment plan.

A peri bad time

Kate Scheer considers the issue of periimplantitis.

Peri-implantitis biomarkers identified by researchers

Researchers have identified genes that are overexpressed in peri-implantitis (PI), which could help in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

College introduces a register of implant dentistry mentors

The College of General Dentistry (CGDent) has launched an online register of qualified mentors in implant dentistry.

A look at oral implantology

The Dentist speaks to Ingo Frank about the importance of an effective implant system.

Minimally invasive implants

Cemal Ucer explains the benefits of ultrasound technology in zygomatic implant surgery.

The benefits of using AI in implant dentistry

Zaki Kanaan considers the current and future uses of artificial intelligence.