Stuart Clark discusses the possible solutions to a common issue.
Michael Sultan considers the role of the dental team in smoking cessation.
The Oral Health Foundation is encouraging everyone to spread knowledge, support prevention, and advocate for a future where HPV-related diseases are a thing of the past on HPV Awareness Day, March 4.
A youth vaping awareness campaign has been launched, which highlights concerns over super-sized disposable vapes, ahead of the upcoming parliamentary vote on the Tobacco and Vapes Bill.
Teenagers may be less likely to start smoking if they engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) from childhood, a study has found.
Jacob Watwood emphasises the importance of an educated approach to processed foods.
Community Dental Services CIC (CDS) Lincolnshire and Essex are offering blood pressure checks to patients over 40 years old to identify hypertension and signpost them towards early intervention.
The bacteria in your mouth and on your tongue may be linked to changes in brain function as you age, research has suggested.
A preliminary study indicates that a common bacteria typically found in the mouth and gut is more prevalent in individuals who have experienced a stroke.
Young people welcome the idea of the government’s smokefree generation policy, viewing it as a chance to free their generation from harmful addiction, says a study led by the University of Nottingham.