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Looking forward to BDIA Dental Showcase 2022

Patients travelling hundreds of miles to access NHS dental care

Two news stories were both shared in the last week which detailed patients having to travel hundreds of miles in order to access dental care.

Figurit welcomes new tax director

Figurit, the UK’s recognised dental and medical accountancy specialist, is delighted to welcome Trevor Dommett as their new tax director.

Plymouth wins bid to run first residential dental summer school

Peninsula Dental School at the University of Plymouth has been named one of two hosts for the UK’s first residential programme based around dentistry.

CGDent and BADN call for deferral of mandatory vaccination as survey suggests a quarter of dental nurses are not fully vaccinated

The College of General Dentistry (CGDent) and British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN) are warning of a potential catastrophe for dental patients if the planned implementation of mandatory Covid-19...

How do I choose an intraoral scanner?

With the variety of intraoral scanners on the market, clinicians may wonder what the difference is between them. Like anything technical, a thorough look at the specs can give you plenty of info, but...

British Sign Language Bill

Rosie Cooper, MP for West Lancashire, is introducing the British Sign Language (BSL) Bill to parliament, and on January 28, it will be debated for the first time.

Scotland: Latest data highlights dental access crisis and widening inequalities

The British Dental Association (BDA) Scotland has called on the Scottish government to strongly support NHS dentistry to address the large reduction in patients visiting the dentist, as new data...

£50 million boost for urgent dental care

The NHS will provide patients with hundreds of thousands more dental appointments, thanks to a £50 million funding injection that will see dentists deliver care outside of core hours, such as early...

Can medical treatment be a work expense?

Michael Lansdell breaks down the various rules and exemptions when making a claim.

Prime Minister dismisses calls to delay compulsory covid vaccines for NHS staff

In recent news, The Royal College of GPs has said that the deadline for mandatory vaccination for healthcare workers should be delayed.

81 per cent of employees in healthcare want to upskill this year, as government campaign launches to boost business growth in 2022

Businesses across the health and social care sector are being urged to ‘Join the skills revolution’ as tens of millions of employees around England express desire to skill up in their jobs this year.

Big hitters join UK’s leading dental AI provider

Manchester Imaging Limited (MIL), the company behind AssistDent, announces two new appointments, as Ben Atkins and Jana Denzel join their expanding team of dental technology specialists.

Northern Ireland Dental Practice Committee elects Ciara Gallagher as chair

The Northern Ireland Dental Practice Committee (NI DPC) has elected Ciara Gallagher as chair at its first meeting for the new triennium 2022-2025. Philip McLorinan and Helen Brogan were elected vice...

Local council support for smokers better than pre-pandemic – but chronic funding pressures remain

Findings from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) and Cancer Research UK’s annual national survey of local government stop smoking support [1] show improvements compared to before the pandemic hit.