
“The pace of change is still disappointingly slow”: GDC comments on regulatory reform

Government proposals that pave the way for full-scale reform of the regulatory frameworks of all healthcare professional regulators, including the General Dental Council (GDC), closed for comments on...

Spokesperson says dental care is at risk of becoming a “luxury”

Paula Bradshaw MLA, the health spokesperson for the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland, has said a failure to address issues impacting health service dentistry will only add to pressures on the Health...

Association warns future of service in Northern Ireland now at risk

The British Dental Association has warned officials that planned cuts will devastate a service already on the brink.

Scottish dentist juniors to join strike action

The British Dental Association has announced that dentists in Scotland, employed under the same contract as junior doctors, will join their medical colleagues in a 72-hour walkout.

Association says the prime minister has a “crisis? What crisis?” attitude to dentistry

The British Dental Association (BDA) has criticised the Prime Minister’s response to a question on the crisis in dentistry at PMQs on May 10, 2023.

Rising costs “risk pricing patients out of care” MP warns  

Richard Foord, MP for Tiverton and Honiton, has warned that the increasing cost of NHS dental fees across England will see patients across Devon priced out of essential care and fuel a rise in...

Association demands politicians drop plans for further NHS charge hikes

The British Dental Association has demanded that the Secretary of State for Health drop plans for a further four per cent increase in NHS charges in England next year.

Association launches policy proposals for NHS dentistry in Scotland

Following the Association of Dental Group’s (ADG’s) first roundtable meeting of its new Scotland branch in February 2023 in Edinburgh, the trade body has launched its Scottish “Six to Fix” policy...

“The crisis of access and affordability is not just a health crisis, but a social equalities crisis”

During the Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiry into NHS dentistry, ministers heard from Healthwatch England representatives concerning the effect of increased fees and the cost of living crisis...

Association urges the government for “reform”, not “tweaks”

The British Dental Association (BDA) has urged the Health and Social Care Committee to set out a clear roadmap to reform for the government.

Minister expresses anger at new dental charges

Ian Liddell-Grainger MP has criticised a further rise in dental charges, warning it will mean more people putting off having vital treatment.

Bath MP addresses gaps in government data collection

At Business of the House on April 20, 2023, the MP for Bath questioned the leader of the House of Commons, Penny Mordaunt, on NHS dentistry data.