Scotland’s first minister expected to announce a consultation on single-use vapes

05 September 2023

According to the Daily Record, Humza Yousaf “is tipped to announce a consultation during his Programme for Government address.”

According to the Daily Record, Humza Yousaf “is tipped to announce a consultation during his Programme for Government address.”

In an interview with the news outlet, Humza said, “I absolutely believe that we have to take action on single use disposable vapes. I have a teenage daughter. I hear from her regularly. Her comment is that young people are using these single-use disposable vapes.”

The first minister went on to praise the Daily Record’s “excellent” campaign on the issue but said that a ban would require further legislation.

Humza added, “Legislative options can take quite some time to pass through, particularly in quite a crowded legislative landscape.

“So what more can we do to hopefully reduce, minimise, even better eradicate the use of single use disposable vapes that might not require a legislative solution?

“You'd have to try to take the retailers with us. They're going to be the important partner in all of this, but if we can get to a position that says 'this is the damage that's been done to our environment, and to young people's health', and if we can present that in a way that I hope everybody would accept, then I think building that coalition again, with our retailers in particular, will be quite important.”