Youngest person to have a wisdom tooth extracted

08 October 2022

Nine-year-old, Ryan Scarpelli, has become the youngest person to have a wisdom tooth extracted!

Nine-year-old, Ryan Scarpelli, has become the youngest person to have a wisdom tooth extracted!

Typically, wisdom teeth come through between 17 to 25 years old. So it was a shock when Ryan’s wisdom teeth were spotted by his orthodontist, Kelly Morgan, in April 2021.

Speaking to Guinness World Records Ryan said, “I was shocked. I could not feel it at all. My orthodontist said it needed to be removed so that the molar could drop properly."

Ryan was immediately referred to an oral surgeon to have the teeth extracted so that his upper-left second molar could come through.

The procedure successfully took place on July 27, 2021. At the time Ryan was completely unaware that he was the youngest person to ever undergo the surgery.

For some wisdom teeth coming through can put pressure on the gums and nearby teeth causing discomfort. Luckily, Ryan did not experience any pain when the teeth emerged, but he did feel some discomfort once they had been extracted.

"I felt like I got punched super hard in my mouth," Ryan said.

Following the operation, Shelly Scarpelli (Ryan's mother) had a suspicion that her son may have broken the record.

"I knew that nine years old was very young for a wisdom tooth to be removed so I did some research and learned that the youngest person on record was nine years and 339 days," commented Shelly.

She proceeded to work out Ryan’s exact age, nine years 327 days, and realized that her son had indeed broken the record.

Reflecting on his Guinness World record title Ryan said, “it feels really good and makes me proud."