Jane Taylor, of Skin Within in Colwyn Bay, pleaded guilty to one charge of unlawfully practicing dentistry. The magistrates imposed a 12 month conditional discharge as well as ordering Jane to pay a £20 victim surcharge, £189 in compensation to the victim and £1,400 in costs to the GDC – a total of £1,609.
This offence relates to an incident on April 18, 2015, when Jane Taylor carried out tooth whitening on a 23 year old female and charged her £89 for the treatment, despite the fact that she is not and has never been a qualified dental care professional.
Following the treatment, the victim experienced pain and sensitivity to her teeth for several weeks and was forced to seek help from a qualified and registered dentist. After examining her, the dentist confirmed that the victim had been suffering from a pre-existing condition and that this had been exacerbated by the illegal tooth whitening treatment. She noted that the victim was an obvious patient who should not have been offered tooth whitening due to her pre-existing periodontal disease.
Victoria Sheppard-Jones, interim head of illegal practice at the GDC, said: “Tooth whitening carries risks if it is not carried out by someone who is on the register of dental professionals and who has the skills, training and experience to do it safely.
“If the procedure is not carried out by a registered professional, it can cause damage to the teeth and gums and cause severe pain and sensitivity – and it can also, as was the case here, exacerbate pre-existing conditions.
“Only those with the proper medical training are able to make a thorough assessment of your mouth before going ahead with the treatment – and this is why we urge anyone who is considering tooth whitening to check our online register to ensure the person offering it is qualified and registered to do so.”