University establishes dental centre

17 July 2023

A new Dental Development Centre which will bring together dentistry education and training provision is a step towards retaining more dentists in the East of England. 

A new Dental Development Centre which will bring together dentistry education and training provision is a step towards retaining more dentists in the East of England. 

The University of East Anglia (UEA) has been working with MPs to push for improved dental services in the region, including seeking a review of undergraduate training which could secure more local training opportunities.  

The Norwich Dental Development Centre, which supports education and training needs for the region’s dentists, is the first step towards launching a bid for an undergraduate School of Dentistry at UEA when the government reopens the national bidding process for training places. It brings together local partners, including the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. 

The Norwich Dental Development Centre at UEA will:

  • Support the development of flexible models of dental specialty training to support workforce retention and career progression, bringing together partners within the region. 
  • Provide opportunities for academic training and research across the Norwich Research Park.
  • Bring together education and training to meet the needs of the regional workforce.
  • Support the advancement of clinical practice in oral healthcare.
  • Broaden knowledge of dental health presentation in primary and secondary care through interprofessional training across the UEA’s portfolio of medical and allied health professions programmes. 

Professor David Maguire, vice-chancellor at the University of East Anglia, said, “As the government’s new Long Term NHS Workforce Plan commits to increasing the number of training places for dental therapy and hygiene professionals by 28 per cent by 2028/29, significant investment will be needed at a local level. 

“The shortage of NHS dentist availability in the East of England has been widely reported, and we have been working with partners and our local MPs for some time to look at how we can play a part in addressing that challenge by training dentists here at UEA. 

“We have established a Dental Development Centre, working closely with partners on the Norwich Research Park, including our regional NHS trust partners. This is a first step to help develop more dentistry skills across the region, supporting recruitment and retention.  

“We would, however, still urge the government to accelerate its plans to offer additional undergraduate dentistry training to help secure the future supply of dentists and dental practitioners which the East of England so desperately needs.” 

 Professor Erika Denton, medical director at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, said, “We have worked collaboratively with UEA for more than 20 years developing successive generations of skilled health professionals, such as doctors, nurses, midwives and allied health professionals.   

“We fully support UEA’s Dental Development Centre, which will bring benefits for our local population and complement the high-quality teaching and education programmes being delivered by the university and the hospital.” 

Jerome Mayhew, MP for Broadland, said, “Since I was elected, I have campaigned for better access to dental treatment in Broadland. I am therefore glad that the government has responded, and I welcome the Government’s dental strategy. 

“Any long-term solution to improving access to dentistry in Norfolk will have to include the addition of dental training places. I will continue to work with the University of East Anglia to establish a dental development centre and campaign for a full dental training school.” 

Chloe Smith, MP for Norwich North, said, "I strongly support the establishment of the Norwich Dental Development Centre at the UEA. 

"From my own constituency dental survey, I know how hard it is for residents to find a dentist locally, and I'm concerned that NHS appointments for children are in decline.  I have also been a longstanding campaigner for more dentist and doctor appointments to go with new homes being built in our area. 

"As a result, I have been working with the UEA for some time to develop the possibility of a dental training facility, which will bring more dentists to Norwich and Norfolk.  I want this to make sure there's the right care for today's and tomorrow's residents." 

George Freeman, MP for Mid Norfolk, said, “Dental health is a crucial part of NHS services, and it is vital that everyone can access the support they need. That’s why I have been campaigning so actively for improved dental services here in our region and why I am delighted UEA will be home to a new Dental Development Centre – a positive step that will boost local dentistry skills, support recruitment and improve retention.  

“I remain committed to working with local partners and the government as we look to secure additional improvements, including the further expansion of dental skills training and provision here in the East.” 

Richard Bacon, MP for South Norfolk, said, “This is good news. For a long time, my parliamentary colleagues and I have been campaigning for access to more dentists in Norfolk - and providing options for dental education locally is a very important part of the answer.  

“The UEA's decision to establish a Dental Development Centre is a very important step in the right direction and I congratulate the university on making this commitment. I will be looking to ministers to accelerate their plans so that we can see a full dental school in Norfolk as soon as possible". 

Sir Brandon Lewis CBE, MP for Great Yarmouth, said, “We know all that many residents are experiencing difficulty in accessing dental services in Norfolk, with significant health consequences. I fully support the efforts by UEA to offer dental education as one of the measures required to expand capacity.” 

Elizabeth Truss, MP for South West Norfolk, said, “Access to good dentistry is crucial. I know from the number of letters I receive complaining about the lack of available dental services in my constituency postbag, how strongly local people in Norfolk feel about the issue.  

“Part of the long-term solution would be for a dental training school to be established in the East of England, and UEA strikes me as the obvious place for it to be sited.” 

James Wild, MP for North West Norfolk, said, “I’m pleased thousands of appointments have been provided at the new dental practice in Lynn that I campaigned for since it opened last summer, but more provision is needed - particularly for emergency care. I continue to urge the NHS to take further steps to improve access to dentists in West Norfolk to meet the demand locally. 

“A long-term sustainable answer to the shortage of dentists is to train more in our area. I welcome the news that UEA is starting the Norwich Dental Development Centre.  I will continue to work with other local MPs to press for UEA to be allowed to offer dentistry undergraduate courses at the earliest opportunity and explore options for training of dental therapists and other roles locally.” 

Clive Lewis, MP for Norwich North, said, “I have been working tirelessly to address the local dental care crisis for several years, both within and outside of parliament. Recently, I brought the concerns of my constituents to the attention of Rishi Sunak during Prime Minister's Questions. 

“It is unacceptable that dentistry remains severely underfunded, and it's the only area of the English health service that has seen its budget decline since the Conservatives took power in 2010. However, the evidence suggests that if we can encourage people to train as dentists in Norwich, they are more likely to remain in the area and work here. That's why I support UEA's Norwich Dental Development Centre initiative and its ultimate aim of establishing a School of Dentistry at the university.”