Triumph with technology

11 October 2024

David Hussey discusses the best way to stay up to date with new technologies.

In 1925, only half of American houses had electrical power. One hundred years later, 66 per cent of the world’s population has internet access. Technology has grown to the point that it is now capable of creating content and solving problems almost as if it is human – those 66 per cent can access such software in an instant. We are living in a time of rapid technological change. The digital world is not just our way of working, but it is also how we communicate and what we live by.

In healthcare, technology has evolved to meet the demands of more effective and reliable treatments. For all practitioners, it is important to stay up to date with the latest developments so that the best care can be given to patients. Undertaking hands-on workshops can support you and your team so that you can stay at the forefront of your field.


In the late 1800s, Hermann Ebbinghaus established the ‘Forgetting Curve’, observing that, after one hour, learners forget 50 per cent of the information presented. One day later, they forget 70 per cent and one week later they forget 90 per cent. Hands-on workshops are a way of learning by doing; information retention is enhanced through experiential learning.

Workshops successfully increase the knowledge of the participants because they are sociable. Interaction and group discussion have a 50 per cent rate of retention, five times higher than reading information. Even better, practising something newly learnt has a 75 per cent retention rate, making a hands-on workshop ideal for using new equipment or materials.

Practical environments enable participants to feel more comfortable and relaxed, increasing their engagement and better developing their problem-solving, critical thinking and concentration. By seeing the end results from their practical efforts, workshop attendees can also build their confidence, encouraging them to try it again without assistance.

New technologies 

As technologies become more and more sophisticated, it can seem daunting to incorporate something new into your daily workflow. Advances in dental, oral and craniofacial health science are constantly expanding, allowing for more effective customised care built on the latest breakthroughs. For instance, wearables linked to smartphone apps can monitor pain levels, postoperative healing and home oral health habits so that practitioners can better identify any complications or areas of improvement.

Workshops that feature product demonstrations are an easy way for dental professionals to understand new technologies and consider their efficiency within their daily workflow. Such technologies may include 3D printing, which continues to become an integral part of prosthodontics, orthodontics and oral surgery. Its lower costs compared to laboratory fees make it a more financially palatable option in some circumstances.

Patient perks

From the perspective of public health, new technology has had an overwhelmingly positive impact. The growing popularity of patient portals and tele-dentistry makes dentistry more accessible to the patient, increasing their engagement. Demonstrations of these patient-facing products can show the latest ways of reaching and looking after your patients.

Getting to grips with the latest innovations in a workshop or sampling new materials can give you foundational knowledge. It is important that new treatments and technologies improve outcomes and expand care for all, independent of socioeconomic status.

A great opportunity 

In-person workshops also serve as a brilliant opportunity for networking in an environment that cultivates knowledge exchange. Doing practical workshops with colleagues may act as a team building exercise, fostering greater cooperation, motivation, trust and respect among the dental team. This is beneficial for creating or supporting a positive practice atmosphere, which in turn may reduce burnout risk and nurture a more comfortable experience for patients.

For an exciting opportunity to learn new skills and enhance old ones, attend BDIA Dental Showcase 2025. By popular demand, the hands-on Clinical Excellence Workshops are back to provide an unparalleled environment for immersive education. Experts in various fields offer personalised, one-on-one training experiences in which you can refine techniques, discover innovations and engage with exciting products. With over 150 sign-ups already, the workshops are the place to be. Cutting-edge dental equipment, materials and technologies are in your reach with BDIA Dental Showcase.

Keeping up with the latest technologies can be challenging. By participating in workshops, you and your team can try new products and be educated on recent developments, all over an exciting day shared with fellow professionals.

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