The future of dental implantology

24 February 2023

The Oral Reconstruction (OR) Global Symposium, themed "Quo Vadis Implant Dentistry", will be held May 18 – 20, 2023, in Rome, with more than 30 world-renowned speakers who will address the future of implant dentistry and dental tissue regeneration. Numerous practical details about proven and new clinical therapeutic approaches will be discussed during the event.

The Oral Reconstruction (OR) Global Symposium, themed "Quo Vadis Implant Dentistry", will be held May 18 – 20, 2023, in Rome, with more than 30 world-renowned speakers who will address the future of implant dentistry and dental tissue regeneration. Numerous practical details about proven and new clinical therapeutic approaches will be discussed during the event.

With the OR Global Symposium in Rome, the OR Foundation is building a bridge to traditional international congresses. Elected last year, OR Foundation president Dr Luca Cordaro also serves as congress chair. Together with the scientific committee, Professor Juan Blanco, Professor Dehua Li, Professor Michael Stimmelmayr, Professor Irena Sailer, Professor Anton Sculean and Dr Homa Zahed, more than 30 world-renowned speakers have been recruited to share their knowledge and experience in a practical way. Together they will present a differentiated and groundbreaking program aimed at dental professionals from all areas of dental oral reconstruction.

The OR Global Symposium 2023 is one of the most important events on the dental agenda.

The OR Foundation's mission is to drive progress for the benefit of patients, from cutting-edge education to research and the world's most exclusive network of specialists in oral reconstruction.

Martin Schuler, executive director of the OR Foundation said, "Our goal is to enable the continuous improvement of treatment through close collaboration with universities, dentists and industry, via the sharing of expertise and presentation of research results, especially at our symposia.”

The program will start on the morning of May 18, 2023, with five practical and two theoretical workshops. Participants will learn a variety of techniques that can be incorporated into their daily practice. The afternoon is dedicated to the pre-symposium titled ‘Technological innovation helps the clinic’. The pre-symposium with renowned speakers is included in the participation fee.

The main program on Friday and Saturday is divided into eight sessions. One session will discuss different options for hard and soft tissue augmentation, including Guided Bone Regeneration with blocks, shells, or computer-assisted bone augmentation. The speakers will examine topics related to the ability to affect bone and soft tissue healing around implants and review options in the treatment of gingival recession. Another focus is on the use of autologous bone or allogeneic, xenogeneic, or synthetic bone graft substitutes, membranes, and soft tissue matrices. The questions of when the right time for implant placement is and the advantages of digitisation will be discussed, as well as prosthetic solutions for older, or even edentulous, patients.

The Research Award and the poster exhibition

Young researchers whose studies are supported by the OR Foundation will present their latest findings in a dedicated session on the main podium on the morning of May 20, 2023. The best researcher will be awarded the OR Foundation Research Award. In addition, dentists are encouraged to submit their abstracts for the poster exhibition by March 5, 2023. The best abstracts will be presented on Friday afternoon on the main stage during a science slam. Participants whose posters have been accepted will have their registration fee waived.

Participants from all over the world in the Auditorium Parco della Musica

Participants from all over the world are expected to attend the OR Global Symposium in Rome. The congress language is English, and the lectures will be simultaneously translated into German, French, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish. With its sights, Rome, whose historic center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a “global city", and for thousands of years, it was the center of one of the greatest civilizations.

Just outside the city is the Auditorium Parco della Musica, where the congress will be held. For the weekend, this venue, reminiscent of Roman architecture, will become a multicultural meeting and exchange place for interested dental professionals.

The symposium is supported by BioHorizons and Camlog, founding sponsors of the OR Foundation.

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