The challenges of peri-implantitis

26 September 2022

Markus Schlee will be joining the ADI Masterclass on November 19, 2022 for a session entitled Peri-implantitis Defects.

Markus Schlee will be joining the ADI Masterclass on November 19, 2022, for a session entitled Peri-implantitis defects.

Providing an insight into his session Markus says, “One of the main challenges faced by clinicians when confronted with a case of peri-implantitis is removing the bacterial biofilm in a way which will allow the implant to be re-integrated into the surrounding tissues. When successful, complete re-osseointegration is achieved and the implant is ‘healed’.

“Around the world, a lack of proper cleaning methods influence the successful treatment of peri-implantitis. The minimum aim of treatment is to reduce inflammation. But when treatment results do not achieve re-osseointegration, leaving a rough implant surface exposed to the oral cavity makes reinfection more likely.

“During my session, we will discuss the development of commonly accepted aims in peri-implantitis therapy, review the current treatment modalities and their effectivity in achieving these aims, and we will discuss electrolytic cleaning of implant surfaces.”

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