Teen wins ‘against the odds’ award for her transformational story

22 November 2023
Lottie Simmonds with Georgina Cartwright.
Lottie Simmonds with Georgina Cartwright.

Lottie Simmonds, a 16-year-old from Caterham, has won an ‘Against the Odds’ award for the orthodontic treatment, which transformed the course of her life. Lottie entered the competition to celebrate her orthodontist, Georgina Cartwright, from Croydon Orthodontic Practice.

Lottie Simmonds, a 16-year-old from Caterham, has won an ‘Against the Odds’ award for the orthodontic treatment, which transformed the course of her life. Lottie entered the competition to celebrate her orthodontist, Georgina Cartwright, from Croydon Orthodontic Practice.

Lottie knocked out her front tooth with a sing-along High School Musical microphone when she was six years old. Before she could start orthodontic treatment, her life dramatically changed when she was diagnosed with Leukaemia at nine years old. Lottie endured over two years of gruelling chemotherapy.

Lottie has been through a lot with her previous medical history and was nervous about starting treatment. She credits her orthodontist, Georgina Cartwright, with putting her at ease.  Reflecting back, she says, “Tooth straightening changed my life for the better.  Georgina has given me a perfect smile that I never thought I would have. I feel much more confident and no longer hide my teeth when I smile.”   

She added, “I was very nervous about starting treatment and worried it would be painful. Georgina was so lovely to me.  She was caring and calming and made me feel comfortable throughout my treatment explaining every step of the way.”

Georgina has worked at Croydon Orthodontic Practice for 12 years and has won this award twice, in 2016 and in 2023.  She’s also come runner-up twice in 2015 and 2019. Georgina attributes this to the range of wonderful patients she sees on a daily basis. Croydon Orthodontic Practice is a family run practice owned by principal Tim McDonogh established by his father Pat McDonogh in 1972.

Despite her nerves, Georgina says Lottie was a fantastic patient and motivated and keen to have the treatment. Georgina said, “We discussed the treatment options at the start of the process and Lottie knew that she didn’t want to wear functional appliance. In some ways this made the treatment quicker and more straightforward as Lottie was happy to move straight to upper premolar extractions and fixed appliances.”

Talking about the impact of the treatment, Georgina said, “Lottie has grown in confidence and now has a beautiful smile.  She no longer covers her mouth as she did before.  She was an absolute pleasure to treat.”

Lottie’s mother, Zoe, was by her side throughout the process.  Speaking about the experience, she said, “Lottie had been through so much during the three years prior to starting treatment. I knew she was very worried and nervous to start her orthodontic treatment as she was still suffering with the long term side effects of her chemo and she wasn’t sure how much more pain and discomfort she could endure.  Georgina and her team at the practice were lovely and reassuring which was just what Lottie needed.”

Georgina has worked at Croydon Orthodontic Practice for 12 years and has won this award twice, in 2016 and in 2023.  She’s also come runner-up twice in 2015 and 2019. Georgina attributes this to the range of wonderful patients she sees on a daily basis. Croydon Orthodontic Practice is a family run practice owned by principal Tim McDonogh established by his father Pat McDonogh in 1972.

Richard Jones, chair of the BOS Orthodontic Specialists Group, said, “Orthodontics isn’t just about straightening teeth, it’s about making people feel better about themselves. The Against the Odds competition continues to highlight the very best of our profession and the tremendous value that orthodontics has on people’s lives. A confident smile can change a person’s perception of themselves, their self-esteem and their self-image.”


Against the Odds 2024 is now open for entries. The deadline is February 29, 2024.

For more information visit https://www.bos.org.uk/patients/against-the-odds