Stage 2 pilots underway

10 May 2013
Volume 29 · Issue 5

To help fine tune different parts of the new dental contract, an additional 25 practices joined the NHS pilot scheme in April. “Stage 2 piloting” will see improvements to the proposed clinical care pathway, following feedback gathered from the first wave of pilots. 

Software of Excellence is one of three dental software companies supporting the delivery of the pathway and has worked to incorporate the following recommendations into their system:

  • An option for patients who are currently unwilling or unable to accept the offer of professional preventive activity.

  • Applying the clinical domains of the pathway selectively such as bypassing gum disease or dental decay risk assessment for edentulous patients.

  • Revising the need/risk assessment and suggested preventive activities, including interim care management (ICM) for some patient groups.

Brian Weatherly, President at Software of Excellence said, “We are working hard on our software to make sure that we produce a solution that meets the needs of the DH and also the needs of dentists. Whatever the details of the new contract, the software needs to be manageable and simple for practices to operate day to day  - this is what we are trying to achieve.”

The dental pilot programme, which commenced in July 2011 with 70 pilot sites, is testing ideas for a new contract based on registration, capitation and quality. The next phase will see the Department of Health seek interactive feedback from the pilot sites.

Currently there is no definitive date for nationwide implementation, however it is understood that the new contract will be based on feedback from all the pilots.