Southampton patient service speaks on the access crisis

14 December 2022

Gaining access to an NHS dentist is the most common reason for the public contacting Healthwatch Southampton, says the patient voice champion.

Gaining access to an NHS dentist is the most common reason for the public contacting Healthwatch Southampton, says the patient voice champion.

The service has noted that many people cannot register or find an NHS dentist. According to Healthwatch Southampton, this is due to many people being removed from patient lists, having not been able to visit the dentist during Covid-19 lockdowns, and dentist practices no longer accepting NHS patients.

Healthwatch regularly hears from the public who are struggling to find treatment and are experiencing a lot of pain or serious illness which affects their oral health. There appears to be an increasing reliance on emergency treatment centres. These centres are able to provide emergency treatment only, and a great many patients then need ongoing treatment, which requires registering with a dentist.

Harry Dymond MBE, chair of Healthwatch Southampton, says, “we are pleased to see the Health and Social Care Committee has launched an inquiry into NHS dentistry so that we can feed in the experiences of the public in Southampton in accessing and seeking NHS treatment.”