Society announces new partner sponsors

13 April 2023

Philips, with its clinically proven range of sonic toothbrushes and powered interproximal flossing device, has a natural affinity with the aims of the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (BSP). 

Philips, with its clinically proven range of sonic toothbrushes and powered interproximal flossing device, has a natural affinity with the aims of the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (BSP). So much so the company has become the latest partner sponsors of the society to help it to achieve more of its strategic objectives to promote public and professional awareness of periodontology and implant dentistry and to achieve its vision of “periodontal health for a better life”.

Paula Dunn of the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry commented, “As a charity, we rely on funding from organisations like Philips to enable us to succeed in our aim to advance all aspects of periodontology and dental implantology and promote the importance of gum health to dental/medical professionals, undergraduate students, patients and the public.

“We wish to extend our sincere thanks to Philips for becoming a partner sponsor and providing the society with funding to support many of our planned activities this year. Their help and support will enable us to achieve more of our strategic aims and objectives to benefit and support our members, the wider dental profession, patients and the public.”

The periodontal care continuum

Periodontists have recommended the Philips Sonicare brush to patients for over thirty years.  It has a legacy of 119 independent researchers affiliated with 25 universities producing 60 published manuscripts and abstracts evaluating Sonicare’s performance. Its range of sonic toothbrushes has been clinically proven not only to reduce overall plaque and interproximal plaque, but also reduce gingival inflammation and probing depth in the course of regular use over six months. A recent six-month clinical study demonstrated that the Philips Sonicare was clinically proven to improve gingival health better than a manual toothbrush in patients with stage I/II periodontitis post non-surgical treatment. The company’s new Power Flosser with its unique X-shaped nozzle creates four wide streams of water to remove up to 99.9 per cent of plaque in treated areas. The Quad Stream covers nine times more surface area and requires less technique than an oral irrigator with a single stream nozzle, for a faster, more effective and more comfortable clean versus manual floss.

Emilee Walby for Philips added, “Philips shares a common vision with the BSP to help its members find ways to help tackle the incipient and intransigent periodontal disease. We have had long standing working relationships with a number of its Faculty members, so extending our support to the society once more is a natural step for us.  We look forward to attending its events, meeting as many of the society members as possible, and connecting in other ways through the BSP.”