Sleep apnoea and its effect on the brain

26 July 2024

Researchers from the University of Missouri have identified two neurochemicals that unlock potential targets for new therapies to treat sleep apnoea.

The study offered new insights into the underlying mechanisms within the brain contributing to hypertension for those with sleep apnoea.

High blood pressure is often linked with sleep apnoea as the brain works harder to regulate blood flow and breathing during sleep.

The findings have helped to pave the way for new drugs that target the brainstem to bring blood pressure back down to normal levels for those with sleep apnoea.

David Kline, a professor at Missouri’s College of Veterinary Medicine and researcher at the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, said, “When oxygen levels in the blood drop during sleep apnoea, the forebrain sends warning signals to the brainstem area that controls heart and lung functions.

“By studying these signals, we found that two neurochemicals, oxytocin and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), cause the brainstem to become overactive. Over time, this leads to hypertension.”

Hypertension can lead to an increased risk of stroke and complications in the metabolism, amongst other issues.

David said, “Not only do those with sleep apnoea often have high blood pressure, but they also lose a lot of sleep, they have more cognitive and memory issues, and they are more prone to injury at work due to sleepiness”.

With identifying the role that oxytocin and CRH play in strengthening and overexciting the pathways and mechanisms involved in sleep apnoea, David and his team hope to help create better therapeutic approaches for humans and animals.

David added, “Our ultimate goal is to eventually help clinicians develop specific drugs to target either these neurochemicals or the proteins they bind to in a way that reduces high blood pressure.

 “This discovery opens the door for future research to block the pathways these neurochemicals use, ultimately helping to bring blood pressure back to normal levels.”