Revolutionising digital wax-ups – the evolution of digital smile design planning is here

21 September 2022

As the world continues to embrace a digital way of life, it’s no surprise that the profession is seeing an uptick in digital solutions on the market. With this new way of working showing no sign of stopping and multiple benefits afforded by digital platforms and other software, it’s a smart idea for dental professionals to embrace the available possibilities and learn how these can help revolutionise the way they provide treatment.

As the world continues to embrace a digital way of life, it’s no surprise that the profession is seeing an uptick in digital solutions on the market. With this new way of working showing no sign of stopping and multiple benefits afforded by digital platforms and other software, it’s a smart idea for dental professionals to embrace the available possibilities and learn how these can help revolutionise the way they provide treatment.

In light of this, one of the sessions at this year’s BACD Annual Conference is “In-Office 3D Smile Planning for Cosmetic Treatment Planning: An Interactive Hands-On With Anterior Restorations” – hosted by Diogo Alves.

A 3.5-hour workshop, this session will aim to teach delegates how to embrace the possibilities afforded through the SmileFy Digital Platform in a practical way, combining pertinent information and physical aspects of using this platform to ensure a comprehensive understanding.

But what is SmileFy?

SmileFy is a smile design and digital treatment planning platform that enables dental professionals to strengthen the diagnostic view. The system improves communication and predictability during treatment, combining their clinical knowledge with digital smiles that are powered by AI technology.

Diogo says: “SmileFy was created specifically to give dentists the opportunity to improve patient communication and engagement by using the power of visualisation. Gone are the days where the patient can’t see the expected outcome of the forthcoming treatment. Digital dentistry is making it so that all this is accessible while the patient is still in the chair. With smile simulations done in just two minutes and 3D digital wax-ups that make the proposed smile a reality, the patient is more confident knowing what is planned for the final restoration.

“I chose to do a hands-on session at the BACD Annual Conference because dentists work with their hands 90 per cent of the time. Therefore, the easiest way to learn is through practice. Hands-on workshops are most beneficial because every participant has the chance to experience the software and workflows in real-time. They’ll design digital wax-ups themselves and learn new facially driven protocols to implement into their digital treatment plans. This way, they will gain the confidence to use the system themselves and hopefully be able to implement platforms like this into their everyday working lives.”

Patient communication plays a key part in cosmetic dentistry, and Diogo wants to use his session as a way to exemplify how SmileFy can enhance this all-important aspect of the dentist-patient relationship:“Cosmetic dentists have a real need to make the way they do dentistry more efficient. All around the world clinicians are experiencing the same problems: inadequate methods of communicating with patients, slow case turnaround times, and often high laboratory costs. We want to show these dentists that they can start doing more in their clinics. SmileFy is particularly good as it helps them to address all three of these concerns, not only by allowing patients to feel more involved and informed during treatment, but also by streamlining turnaround times and opening up new avenues.

“Because of this, the main takeaway that I hope delegates will have from my session is to learn to plan aesthetic treatments with low cost processes and fast execution. I want to help them hone their skills and get exposed to new techniques that will facilitate more precise outcomes. I also want to demonstrate to those attending how they can differentiate themselves from others through the use of technology – it really does make such a huge difference for professionals and patients alike and can elevate every aspect of cosmetic dental treatment.”

So, what is the future of cosmetic dentistry? Is artificial intelligence (AI) the future?

Diogo answers, “It’s certainly transformative! The evolution of AI technology has facilitated workflows for every dentist. The future of AI in dentistry will continue to make digital workflows more accessible, faster, and more accurate so that clinicians are achieving impeccable results – that’s why clinicians should be embracing this technology now, to stay ahead of the curve!”

This session is just one part of the diverse educational programme being offered at the BACD Annual Conference this year. With a diverse range of lectures, hands-on workshops, networking opportunities and more, this year’s conference is going to be a great opportunity for delegates to reconnect to the wider industry, learn new skills and take their cosmetic dentistry to the next level.

Make sure you don’t miss out and register your place today!

The 18th Annual BACD Conference ‘On The Shoulders Of Giants’ will take place on November 10-12, 2022 at ICC Wales.

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