Practice manager courses
Over the course of three focused full day workshops Fiona Stuart-Wilson and John Shepherd will deliver content designed to help delegates understand the role of practice manager and help develop new skills that will improve performance.
Each workshop entitles you to five hours of verifiable CPD and contributes towards the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Level 5 Award in Management, a recognised management qualification.
The first course ‘So you’re a manager?’ with Fiona Stuart-Wilson and John Shepherd is on February 28.
Practice management covers a huge variety of activities and this workshop examines what an effective manager should be doing in the modern practice. It also explores opportunities for development and allows time for reflection and/or personal development planning.
‘Recruiting the right person’ takes place March 28, and will help delegates avoid common traps and establish effective systems to make sure that they attract and recruit the right people for their practice.
‘Developing and managing your team’ takes place April 24, and will help delegates develop a highly effective way to ensure the team remains focused, motivated and highly skilled to help achieve the practice’s objectives.
The workshops can be taken as stand-alone management development workshops or taken as a group.
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