Outstanding innovations

26 January 2023

BSPD’s Outstanding Innovation Award (OIA), which celebrates inspiring and innovative schemes to improve the oral health of children, enters its seventh year in 2023. Entries are now invited from anyone who is a member at the time of submission, with an initiative or scheme which has had a demonstrable impact on children’s oral health.

BSPD’s Outstanding Innovation Award (OIA), which celebrates inspiring and innovative schemes to improve the oral health of children, enters its seventh year in 2023. Entries are now invited from anyone who is a member at the time of submission, with an initiative or scheme which has had a demonstrable impact on children’s oral health.

This award was established in 2017 to recognise, and encourage, the work of BSPD’s members in the area of innovation. By providing positive publicity for the initiative and its creator, the society aims to encourage, promote and disseminate good practice. The deadline for applications for the 2023 award is February 17, 2023, and the winner will be notified by the end of the month.

Entries must be made on the standard application form, and applicants may include information and illustrations of any relevant resources in a single attachment. All entries must be projects initiated or managed by BSPD members, and the project must be UK-based. Entries will be judged against the criteria by a sub-committee of the BSPD Executive comprising the president, past president, honorary editor and the BSPD spokesperson. Each member will score the projects independently, and the sub-committee will then meet to agree on an overall winner. The sub-committee may offer commendation for any exceptional projects that do not win. 

The scoring system is as follows:

  • Alignment with BSPD’s mission statement (10 points)
  • Innovative nature of the project (10 points)
  • Extent to which the project provides a benefit to children and/or young people (10 points)
  • Extent to which the project addresses oral health inequalities (10 points)
  • Involvement of relevant stakeholders (5 points)
  • Presentation of entry (5 points)

The award will be presented at the society’s Annual Scientific Conference in September 2023. The winner’s prize also includes:

  • Free entry to attend one day of the conference
  • One night’s accommodation and UK travel, booked in line with the society’s Expenses Policy
  • Allocated time in the conference programme to give a 20-minute presentation on the project
  • A BSPD press release, including photographs, disseminated to the dental press

Download the application form here OIA Application Form 261121.docx (live.com)

Please send completed forms for consideration to administrator@bspd.co.uk.