Orthodontic practice supports anti-bullying week

15 November 2022

From November 14-18, 2022, children across the country will be celebrating Anti-Bullying Week, and Kidscape and Queensway Orthodontics are hoping that by working together, they will help children to feel able to ask for support when they need it.

From November 14-18, 2022, children across the country will be celebrating Anti-Bullying Week, and Kidscape and Queensway Orthodontics are hoping that by working together, they will help children to feel able to ask for support when they need it.

With the theme of ‘Reach Out’, this year’s Anti-Bullying Week will encourage children to ask for help and show them the importance of reaching out to others. Sending a message or talking to a friend who is experiencing bullying can be powerful ways to show we care. With bullying affecting thousands of lives, it’s an issue that no child need suffer alone.

Working together, Kidscape and Queensway Orthodontics will be sharing resources on how children can reach out to others and get help themselves. Crucial to this support are Kidscape’s ZAP workshops, which run throughout the year and are designed to help children to recognise and respond to bullying. The free workshops, which take place online and in the community, are designed not only for children, but also for their parents and carers. By coming together to discuss their experiences, parents and carers can reach out to one another, and to Kidscape, for support in the challenges they are facing.

Having the confidence to reach out is an important issue for Queensway Orthodontics. The organisation, which runs seven practices in the North East of England, sees thousands of children each year, and is passionate about helping children to grow in confidence both inside and out. In October, they even cooked up a storm for Kidscape with a Great QO Bake Off, raising over £170 for the bullying prevention charity. By supporting Kidscape during Anti-Bullying Week, Queensway Orthodontics is hoping to continue to have an impact, transforming and protecting young lives.

To find out more about Anti-Bullying Week, you can take a look at Kidscape’s resources. To find out more about the free ZAP workshops, visit Kidscape’s website.