The British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD) is keen to encourage researchers in the field of population oral health. To support this, BASCD offer four awards including the Keith Woods Essay Competition and the BASCD-Borrow Foundation Early Career Poster Award.
Keith Woods Essay Competition
The essay competition is designed to foster the interest of the next generation of dental professionals in public health dentistry. This competition is open to any undergraduate from dentistry, dental therapy, dental hygiene or dental nursing student registered at a dental school in the UK. A prize of £200 and certificate will be awarded to the winner of the competition.
The title for the essay in 2022 was: The oral health of refugees and the mobilisation of oral health care services to meet their needs.
The essay winner was Ellie Macintosh, a recent graduate of dental therapy and hygiene from the Peninsula Dental School. Commendation went to Yasmin Aziz, a recent dental graduate from the Cardiff Dental School.

BASCD-Borrow Foundation Early Career Poster Award
The BASCD-Borrow Foundation Early Career Poster Award is sponsored by The Borrow Foundation which is actively engaged in promoting oral health and disease prevention. The poster prize is open to BASCD members from academic and non-academic institutions in their early careers, e.g. undergraduates, clinical fellows, trainees and those undertaking Masters and PhD degrees. This includes dentists, dental care professionals and any other groups with an interest in public health.
The first prize award winner received a certificate, £200 and be offered financial support to participate at the congress of the European Association of Dental Public Health being held in the following year. A certificate and prize of £50 were awarded to both the second and third prize winners.
First prize: K. Julia Hurry, Queen Mary University of London
Topic: Barriers and dental care pathways for children looked after in the UK

Second prize: Sarah Kaddour, NHS England
Topic: ‘Stay Smiling’: Co-producing an oral health training programme for care homes

Third prize: Mairead Hennigan, NHS Lothian
Topic: Service evaluation of a new unscheduled paediatric dental service in NHS Lothian

Awards presented at BASCD virtual conference
All the prizes were presented during the BASCD Autumn Scientific Meeting held on November 10, 2022. Due to the London tube strike, the event was moved to a virtual platform in short notice. The theme of the conference was A place to call home: rescue or repair. It explored the provision of dental care for asylum seekers, refugees and looked-after children.
During the conference, BASCD president Albert Yeung was wearing the Ukraine flag bow tie to express solidarity with those people affected by the conflict in Ukraine. He also put on the poppy as a show of support for the Armed Forces community.
Albert said, “The standard of the entries this year was so high that the judging panel had difficulty to decide on the winners. It was a shame not able to present the awards in person at a virtual event.”