Number of adults seeking orthodontic treatment in the UK continues to rise
New figures released by The British Orthodontic Society (BOS) to coincide with National Smile Month, which kicks-off on 14 May 2018, reveals the number of adults seeking orthodontic treatment in the UK continues to rise.
? 80 per cent of orthodontists in new survey report increase in adult private patients
? Clear aligners are on the increase but fixed braces still most widely recommended option
? More men appear to be seeking treatment
? More than 10 per cent of orthodontists say their adult patients are influenced by celebrities and bloggers
This survey, conducted in March 2018 among BOS members, was designed to gather new data about orthodontics and patient choices in the UK compared to two years ago. Asked if they were seeing an increase in private adult treatment, 80 per cent said yes. This figure compares to 75 per cent in 2016. When asked what kind of braces they provide to their patients, orthodontists revealed a cross section of approaches:
? Over 75 per cent supply fixed braces with clear aesthetic brackets
? Over 35 per cent supply lingual braces (fixed behind the teeth)
? Over 75 per cent supply clear aligners
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