NHS update: Integrated Care Boards

05 April 2023

April’s update from Sara Hurley and Ali Sparke informed readers that NHS England is delegating “responsibility for commissioning pharmacy, general ophthalmic and dental services to local Integrated Care Boards” (ICBs).  

April’s update from Sara Hurley and Ali Sparke informed readers that NHS England is delegating “responsibility for commissioning pharmacy, general ophthalmic and dental services to local Integrated Care Boards” (ICBs).  

The change has been implemented to further the NHS’s long-term ambition to give systems responsibility for local population health needs to meet regional priorities better. In addition, the authors believe integrating dentistry within local services will help create discussion around “how different professional teams can support each other.”

BDIA Dental showcase

Sara and Ali opened this section by thanking delegates and praising the “amazing variety of speakers” at the 2023 event.

Discussions in the CDO theatre focussed on “clinical standards, addressing inequality and professionalism.” The lectures were all designed to underline the ethos that “system reform is as much about culture as it is about the contract”.

As a result of engagement from professionals in 2022, the writers are taking forward “three important priorities”:

  • “Taking steps to support patients who do not have an existing relationship with a practice and to increase access in areas of the country with significant recruitment and retention difficulties;
  • “Considering further changes to remuneration to support higher needs patients and those whose care requirements are not fairly remunerated by the UDA system;
  • “Considering changes to remuneration in the area of evidence-based prevention to support this being targeted to those most likely to benefit and delivered by staff best placed to do so;
  • “Support to professional teams and improvements to terms and conditions to help make the NHS a rewarding place to practice dentistry”.

Also mentioned in the update:

Guidance for delegation and joint working arrangements: FutureNHS hosted guidance for ICBs and trusts, which set out recent legislative changes and expectations. For more information, read Ali Sparke’s blog.

Changes to the way dentists who are not exempt from undertaking foundation training are assessed to join the Performers List: All dental applicants joining the list “will be managed in accordance with the existing NHS England Policy for Managing Applications to Join the England Performers Lists (published 11 February 2022) and no fee will be payable to NHS England by any applicant.”

New data tool indicating Core20 population and components of deprivation: The tool “provides insight into where work to address inequalities might have the most impact, as well as into the unique kinds of deprivation different areas may face.”

Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England jointly launched the Cyber Security Strategy for Health and Adult Social Care to 2030: The latest guidance was published on March 22, 2023.

NHS Parliamentary Awards 2023 – nominations now open: There are 10 categories in this year’s awards, including the new Volunteers Award. Nominations close on April 24, 2023.