New research into hospital mouth injuries visits

02 September 2022

The media outlet GB News released statistics showing that three quarters of hospitals have experienced an increase in patients visiting with mouth-related problems.

The media outlet GB News released statistics on August 30, 2022, showing that three quarters of hospitals have experienced an increase in patients visiting with mouth-related problems.

GB News gathered the statistics by submitting a freedom of information request to every trust in the UK. They asked for statistics on how many individuals had been referred with teeth, gum and other mouth related injuries.

88 trusts responded. Of those, 73 per cent stated a rise in 2021 for mouth related injuries compared to the previous year.

The worst affected was the Southwest. Only eight of the nine health care institutions in the region responded to the request. But all these institutions showed an increase in 2021 compared to 2020.

In University Hospitals Dorset NHS foundation Trust, the number of patients had nearly doubled (4,231 in 2021 compared to 2,437 in 2020).

In the Midlands, North, North East and London there was also a surge in mouth related visits.

In the South East, North West and East the trusts which responded to the freedom of information request saw decreases.

GB news also gathered data from the Office of National Statistics which suggests that mouth related deaths are at a five year high.