New president to lead global initiatives

05 April 2017
Volume 31 · Issue 6

Michael Norton, an oral surgeon from London, was appointed Academy of Osseointegration’s (AO) newest president at the organisation’s annual business meeting as part of its 2017 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. He succeeds Alan Pollack as the academy’s president.

In his remarks, Michael Norton outlined highlights from his upcoming agenda to foster activity in the US and abroad. This included supporting AO’s current efforts to develop a national (US) study club network and operating outreach seminars at an increased number of universities. He also stated AO is best served by its multi-disciplinary platform, as evidenced by the 2017 collaborative Annual Meeting, to increase its relevancy and said the AO Certificate in Implant Dentistry is an example of this effort.

Michael said he was pleased with AO’s ever-increasing brand awareness around the world, as evidenced by the number of individuals and organisations requesting opportunities for affiliation, including a second Japanese Charter Chapter, China’s Stomatological Association and symposiums with FDI World Dental congresses. On the topic of membership, he also announced a task force on tiered membership levels will be established to help attract new members from many far away countries.

The 2017/2018 board of directors serving with Michael Norton are:


  • President-elect – James Taylor, a prosthodontist from Ottawa.
  • Vice President – Jay Malmquist, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon from Portland.
  • Secretary – Tara Aghaloo, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon from Los Angeles.
  • Treasurer – Clark Stanford, a prosthodontist from Chicago.
  • Past President – Alan Pollack, a practicing periodontist from New York City.



  • New Director – Joseph Fiorellini, a periodontist from Philadelphia.
  • New Director – Robert Vogel, a general practitioner from Palm Beach Gardens.
  • Amerian Sones, a prosthodontist from Dallas.
  • Jeffrey Lloyd, a general practitioner from Rancho Cucamongo.
  • Jöerg Neugebauer, an oral surgeon from Landsberg am Lech.
  • Hom-Lay Wang, a periodontist from Ann Arbor.


In concluding his remarks, Michael stated, “This is a massive moment in my career, indeed in my life, and I am indebted to every single person who has helped, encouraged and guided me down this road. Taking AO global and reaching a point where it has a non-American president is a big moment for the academy itself and I hope I can live up to the expectations and the task before me.”