New part time diploma in operative dentistry

16 September 2016
Volume 31 · Issue 6

King’s College London and King’s College Hospital will offer a new postgraduate diploma in operative dentistry starting in April 2017, designed for dentists who want to upskill and achieve a qualification whilst maintaining their general practice.    

The two year programme, with 46 contact days, has been formulated by consultants and specialists in restorative dentistry to meet patient needs in a contemporary way. This unique course allows participants to absorb concise seminar based teaching in small groups and marry this with a significant hands-on component to develop a comprehensive skillset in operative dentistry. 

Led and directed by Aws Alani, senior clinical lecturer at the Dental Institute and consultant in restorative dentistry at King’s College Hospital, the first year focuses on minimally invasive techniques, adhesion and the provision of plastic restorations and an occlusion module in addition to the development of treatment planning skills. The second year focuses on the hands-on planning, preparation and delivery of single and multiple unit crowns or indirect restorations. Participants will take an active role in diagnostic clinics whilst also treating referred patients under supervision, translating skills gained in the phantom head laboratory to the clinical environment

Alongside Aws Alani, the programme will be taught by Irene Kaimakamis with contributions from other leading experts in restorative and conservative dentistry, including Martin Kelleher, Mahul Patel, Alex Falanga, Mark Packer, Serpil Djemal and Lloyd Searson. 

For more information, visit