Planned changes to the membership of the GDC council have recently taken effect. Angie Heilmann MBE joins council as a registrant member, and Lord Toby Harris joins as chair.
The role of the council, as a collective, is to set strategic direction and scrutinise the work of the organisation. Both new members joined the September council meeting as observers and look forward to participating fully in the council meeting on October 20 and 21.
Ian Brack, GDC chief executive and registrar, Ian Brack, said, “We welcome our new chair and council member, who both bring valuable skills and experience to the GDC as we continue to focus on delivering our statutory objectives whilst navigating the complexities of regulatory reform.”
Lord Toby Harris said, “I’m looking forward to working with the professions to ensure that our approach to regulation is proportionate and focused on our core purpose of patient safety and public confidence.
“At the core of the work of the GDC must be the public interest: public safety is central and our purpose is to ensure that the public has confidence in the professions we regulate. I have had many years of experience in a variety of public sector roles, ranging from consumer protection, policing, local government and healthcare. I hope that I can bring that experience to bear within the discussions of Council."