National riots condemned by diversity and inclusion dental group

08 August 2024

The Diversity in Dentistry Action Group (DDAG), hosted by the College of General Dentistry (CGDent), has released a statement in response to the national riots.

The DDAG was established in 2020 to promote equality, equity and inclusivity within the dental profession. As such, the strategic oversight group of the DDAG have watched in horror at the scenes of unrest and violence across parts of the country, fuelled by racism and islamophobia. The group understands the personal impact these events will have on the workforce and communities.

DDAG is committed to advocating for and calling out discrimination, prejudice and bias. The organisation does not work in a societal vacuum and recognises these are challenging political times.

The group welcomes fair and open discussions; however, these conversations should not be an open invitation to voice hate speech or spread misinformation on social media or in professional environments.

The DDAG hopes that across the industry, professional standards are adhered to and individuals continue to display the values of equality, compassion and respect.

As a profession, the DDAG also hope the workforce is reassured that it will not tolerate racism, discrimination or abuse, whether from colleagues, patients or wider community groups.

The group has called on:

  • All dental organisations to provide emotional support and protection against racism for all within the clinical environment
  • Prestigious institutions to stand by and protect students
  • Prominent dental societies to provide support via networks for their members who need somebody to talk to if they have been impacted
  • The stalwart high street practices to have internal conversations with their teams to reassure them and have a complete zero tolerance approach to behaviours that promote any divisive ‘othering’ or cause offence

Finally, the DDAG has called for the profession to stand strong and in solidarity with each other regardless of race, ethnicity or faith and to continue to provide oral health care for patients during this challenging time with the kindness, respect and dignity that they always have done.