With 6,539 new cases annually and death rates remaining consistently high, the ADG, which represents UK corporate dental groups, is supporting the British Dental Health Foundation, the organisers of Mouth Cancer Action Month, through a range of initiatives across the UK. This new module will be a powerful new tool for improving knowledge and raising awareness.
The interactive online module will be available free to all dentists and oral health professionals in the UK. Dentists who also wish to apply for a CPD certificate upon successful completion of the two hour long module can do so for just £25 +VAT, £5 of which will be donated to the British Dental Health Foundation and the Mouth Cancer Action Month campaign.
David Worskett, chair of the ADG, said the ADG was proud to be providing an education tool for the campaign which could make a genuine difference.
Mr Worskett added: “There are approximately 3,500 dentists working within the ADG members’ practices, equating to approximately 10 per cent of the country’s dental surgeries. We are therefore in a unique position to be able to raise awareness amongst the profession about the disease and fortunate that IDH have been generous enough to develop this module on behalf of the ADG.”
“In the past there has been no compulsory CPD module for mouth cancer identification. The GDC have now recommended that oral cancer – early detection, is included within the five year CPD cycle and this module addresses this need.”
Nigel Carter OBE, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation said in his experience, dentists aren’t given enough training to spot mouth cancer at an early stage.
Carter said: “Mouth Cancer Action Month is not just about raising awareness about mouth cancer amongst the public, but it’s also about increasing knowledge within the dental profession. We know from surveys of dental professionals that many feel they need more training on mouth cancer identification and treatment. This new module from the ADG is an excellent programme that will hopefully fill the existing gap.”
The module itself gives dental health professionals a detailed and interactive overview of how to spot cancers, and the treatment process involved. There are four videos including interviews with Dr Nigel Carter and StJohn Crean, Dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Central Lancashire. There is also an interview with a patient and a detailed example of a mouth cancer screening.
ADG members, IDH, developed the module at its Manchester-based Academy on behalf of the ADG.
Richard Smith, CEO of IDH said he is proud that the ADG could be involved in the campaign.
“We know that mouth cancer rates are on the increase and we also know that early detection is key to increasing survival rates. But all too often, patients aren’t getting picked up as early as they should for a whole host of reasons, including the nature of the disease itself.
“However, with modules such as this, hopefully we can improve early detection rates amongst dental professionals.”
IDH Clinical services director, Steve Williams said this is the most comprehensive and interactive online module he had seen and will raise awareness amongst the whole dental team, giving them the ability to spot and treat cancer more effectively.
Mr Williams said: “By the end of the module, dental health professionals should be able to describe oral cancer epidemiology; outline the importance of routine screening; understand how to carry out a screening programme and keeping accurate records; understand the different types of oral cancer and be able to describe the appropriate referral procedure.”
“Currently there is nothing like this for UK dentists and hopefully it will make a big difference to patients.”
A sample version of the module will be available at the IDH stand H08 during the Dental Showcase. The full module will be available from the ADG’s website at http://www.dentalgroups.co.uk/
- CPD module developed as part of ADG’s support for Mouth Cancer Action Month and the British Dental Health Foundation.
- The interactive online module will be available free to all dentists and oral health professionals in the UK.
- Dentists who also wish to apply for a CPD certificate upon successful completion of the two hour long module can do so for just £25 +VAT, £5 of which will be donated to the British Dental Health Foundation and the Mouth Cancer Action Month campaign.