Mental health support groups for dentists

12 May 2023

For the first time, Doctors in Distress will be focusing its expertise on supporting the acute need of all healthcare professionals working in dentistry.

For the first time, Doctors in Distress will be focusing its expertise on supporting the acute need of all healthcare professionals working in dentistry.

Last year’s report by Dentistry revealed that almost a quarter of respondents (23 per cent) said they had sought help for their mental health, and 14 per cent had contemplated suicide. Sixty-eight per cent of respondents felt their professional and personal relationships had suffered due to work-related stress, and 77 per cent were forced to practice “defensive dentistry” - a response to feeling overwhelmed by the perceived and real threats of litigation and regulation. So too, the General Dental Council’s 2021 report (Mental Health and Wellbeing in Dentistry: A Rapid Evidence Assessment. Commissioned by the General Dental Council 2021) showed the six key stressors for dentistry professionals over the past 14 years as:

  1. Running a business
  2. Clinical situations
  3. Covid-19 pandemic
  4. Societal and person-led stressors
  5. Regulation and litigation
  6. Poor working environment

Ann Paul, Doctors in Distress CEO, said, “No one should have to go into work every day immediately on the defensive, where it is the norm to feel under threat. The impact on not just dentists’ personal mental health but on their work and the wellbeing of those around them is damaging, as shown in these reports. There needs to be a professional and cultural shift to support mental health across the professional and to stop suicide. That is why Doctors in Distress has developed this initial creative support programme for all working in the dentistry profession, to ensure you have another avenue in which to turn and express yourselves and explore the restorative and reflective impact creativity has on mental health. Participants will also build a safe community of support, as well as learn a fantastic new skill.

“It is our understanding that dentists have not been offered similar reflection through creativity groups. We know the transformative impact of this first-hand from our extensive experience running programmes for doctors and nurses with creative experts from, for example, The Royal Literacy Fund and The Royal Photographic Society. We wish to provide similar groups for dentists and will endeavour to find the creative medium most likely to create the reflective environment to be most supportive.”

Nathan Wallis, chief of staff at Wesleyan, said, “Many of our customers are dentists, and we know that they are under huge pressures right now. The high levels of occupational stress felt by dentists can impact work, careers and family life and lead to an increased risk of burnout and emotional exhaustion.

“As a mutual, our promise is to provide specialist financial advice, support and help to give our customers the peace of mind they deserve. Doctors in Distress will be providing invaluable help for dentists supporting their mental health, and we’re incredibly proud to be able to support them through our Wesleyan Foundation.”


Reflective Spaces Restorative Creativity Groups  

Two four-week sessions in the first half of 2023 (May-June) and repeat this in the second half of the year (September-October): 

Dentists Summer Creativity Programme 1:

Start date: May 22, 2023 

End date:  June 19, 2023 

Frequency:  Weekly, Mondays 12.30-1.30pm 

All groups will be conducted online in a confidential, safe space with a qualified facilitator.


For more information email