Looking back on the past year

23 November 2022

Chris McConnell speaks about his experience as president of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD), what was achieved during his time in the role and what’s next on the cards for the academy.

Chris McConnell speaks about his experience as president of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD), what was achieved during his time in the role and what’s next on the cards for the academy.

Chris said, “I think the biggest challenge I’ve faced in my role as president of the BACD has been working out how to get things back to how they were before covid. Part of what makes the BACD such a fantastic organisation is the social element. I wanted to bring that magic back, return to live meetings and move away from conferences over virtual platforms to make in-person interaction the norm again.

“Earlier this year, we had the first lot of face-to-face events. They were really great and widely supported by members and non-members alike, which was very encouraging. We also received wonderful feedback from these sessions, with lots of people mentioning how they would like even greater value from their education. In response to this, we’re looking at hosting hands-on training events that teach delegates skills they can implement straightaway in practice. Really, the challenge here has been navigating the post-covid landscape and realising how we now learn and educate.”

In the past year, the BACD has had two main focuses. Chris explains, “One goal has been making the public and our profession more aware of cosmetic dentistry and how it is provided ethically. We’ve also been raising awareness of the BACD among the general public and going above and beyond to support our members. The launch of the brand ambassador programme has been a big highlight – we really wanted to help our members raise their profile.

“The other great achievement of this year has been the new BACD Accreditation launch. This has been fantastic as it really helps support people in their career development, not only allowing their work to be peer-reviewed but also showcasing them as highly accomplished cosmetic dentists both in the UK and overseas. We soft launched this scheme at the British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show in May 2021, but the full launch was at our 18th Annual Conference in November 2022.

“Of course, the conference itself was a huge highlight of the year, too. We had an absolutely phenomenal line-up of international speakers, and it was amazing to yet again have another sell-out event. The gala dinner, with its ‘fire and ice’ theme, went down a storm with everyone who attended. It was so fun to have the opportunity to catch up with friends face-to-face. A huge part of what makes the BACD so special is the friendships and networking opportunities, so it was great to see these return and welcome new members into the fold.”

So, what’s next for the BACD?

As the role of president passes from Chris McConnell to Simon Chard, Chris explains some of the areas that the academy will be looking at in the future, “Our future plans are to consolidate on our growth from last year and to incorporate all of the principles already outlined such as enhancing networking opportunities for our members and really developing that all-important awareness of the BACD both among the public and the profession. I feel like this is going to put the BACD in an even stronger position as the go-to academy for the media on any cosmetic dental stories and topics.

“I think we can all see the gradual demise of NHS dentistry and how practices have to now look at alternative income sources. This combined with the growing desire among the public for better oral health and smile aesthetics, means that cosmetic dentistry is a real boom area – the BACD will be at the heart of this and will continue to give clinicians the skills and advice they need to fully embrace cosmetic dentistry as a solution.

“Now is a great time for everyone to get involved – it’s such a rewarding field of dentistry, but it also has the potential to open a lot of other avenues. Whenever we look to grow as dental professionals, it’s always best to do this with like-minded individuals. When we work together as a group we achieve so much more, and this is what the BACD is all about. Really, the BACD is a group of individuals who are focusing their skills and talents for the benefit of one another, but also the benefit of all.”

To conclude, Chris extends his thanks to colleagues, “I want to finish by mentioning the great support I’ve received from my board and the members of the academy. I’ve also received great help from many people from outside the academy, such as the professionals at EKC, industry partners and everyone else who has assisted me during my term as president of the BACD, without whom it would’ve been a lot harder.”