Leadership credentials

09 May 2011
Volume 27 · Issue 5

What is your style, asks Glenys Bridges?

Establishing their credibility as a leader is the biggest obstacle many practice managers have to overcome. This is a particular problem for managers who are promoted to become the manager of a team where they have previously worked in another role. There can be no doubt that knowledge and understanding of leadership styles is an essential tool for those who are serious about using their leadership and management skills to create a motivated and productive team. This type of learning is best secured through formal studies. Management qualifications at level 3 or above, set in the context of dental team management is an essential requirement for dental practice managers.

Leadership is defined in so many different ways that it is hard to come up with a single working definition. Before considering definitions it is necessary to understand that a leader is not just a person or group of people in a high position. To understand leadership you need understanding of the interactions between leaders and followers because effective leadership is based on dynamic relationships, rather than static skills.

In the ever changing business world, research has found that the management styles of women leaders differ from that of their male counterparts. Studies show that women leaders tend to be more concerned with consensus building, participation and caring. They often are more willing than men to share power and information, more likely to empower employees and to be concerned about the feelings of their teams.

Interactive and emotionally involved leadership styles have a place in dental teams. Researchers have found such approaches to be most effective in culturally diverse workforces. The benefits of this approach also extend to patient care as they generate personable and caring attention. A caring and flexible leadership style serves employees and customers better than traditional leadership styles.

Over the past 80 years or so, there have been four main 'generations' of leadership theories. They are: trait, behavioural, contingency and transformational theories.

In the contemporary dental business environment the trait theories are the most relevant.

Definitions and descriptions of these leadership styles range from the very simple to the very complex. The trait styles listed below focus on how authority is used, how a leader relates to others, how employee's minds and muscles are used, and how the leader communicates.

Dictatorial style. The leader using this style operates like a dictator. He or she makes all the decisions about what, where, when, why, how things are done, and who will do them. Employees failing to following directions are usually severely disciplined or given cause for resignation. The dictatorial leader traits are that all decision-making power stays with the leader, who may well be unrealistic in their demands and use excessive discipline and punishment. They will not allow others to question their decisions or authority. In a more passive style of this unrealistic demands are clouded in humour and discipline and punishment take more subtle formats. The leader allows questions about decisions but ignores them, pretends to be your friend to get their way

Authoritative style. Because of the volatile nature of the dictatorial style, more leaders opt to scale down to the authoritative style. The authoritative leaders' traits are that they seldom let others make decisions, because they feel they alone are qualified and experienced enough to get it right. They consider only their own views to be valid and lack confidence in others' abilities, they rarely give recognition to others and are easily offended and highly competitive. The biggest weakness of this style is the failure to recognize the skills and abilities within other people.

Consultative style. This style focuses on using the skills, experiences and ideas of others. However, the leader or manager using this style still retains the final decision-making power. To his or her credit, they will not make major decisions without first getting the input from those that will be affected. Consultative leadership traits are: when possible they involve others in problem solving and team building, whilst retaining the right to make the final decisions. They will focus their time on 'important' activities and give proper recognition to those to whom they have delegated tasks.

Participative style. The participative leadership style is one that many feel uncomfortable with. In this approach most of the authority, but not all, is given to the team. Participative leadership traits are that everyone's input is considered, the leader's role is one of facilitator, coach/player. They will frequently accept the team's ideas over their own. Their focus is on stimulating creativity, the aim is to create a culture of innovation.

Distributative style. The ideas of the distributive leadership approach became prominent through the teachings and lectures of Richard Elmore, a professor of educational leadership at Harvard. The traditional leadership places one person at the head of a group, directing, teaching, and encouraging others. Distributive leadership is the sharing of leadership between two or more individuals. This type of leadership has many names, such as shared, dispersed, relational, roving, collective, group-centered, broad-based, participatory, fluid, inclusive, and supportive leadership.

Each of us can develop our own personal leadership skills. Intelligent leadership is a blend of styles allowing leaders to make intelligent responses to situations as they arise, dependent upon the needs of individuals and the needs of the business and within the framework set by business.

Leaders are developed, not born. Leadership is an achievement, gained from hard work and dedication, rather than an accident of heredity.

Good leaders have the co-operation of their team, earned through cultivating a good team spirit by creating a sense of working toward worthwhile goals. Effective leadership provides direction for the practice and builds relationships, it lifts morale, improves motivation and productivity.