Launching Mouth Cancer Action Month
The number of Brits being diagnosed with mouth cancer has skyrocketed in recent years yet very few of us know anything about it. As a result, one leading health charity has launched a campaign to urge everybody to be more aware of the changes that occur inside the mouth while reminding us ‘if in doubt, get checked out’.
Today, the British Dental Health Foundation launches Mouth Cancer Action Month in a bid to get more mouth cancers diagnosed at an early stage by increasing education about the potential warning signs and symptoms, as well as the factors that could put us most at risk.
Mouth cancer is one of the UK’s fastest increasing cancers, with cases rising by a third in the last decade alone but the oral health charity know that too many are being diagnosed at a late stage, significantly reducing our chance to beat the disease.
Chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Nigel Carter OBE, explained how being Mouthaware could save your life: “The number of people in the UK being diagnosed with mouth cancer every year is rapidly approaching 7,000. Sadly, through a lack of awareness and late diagnosis, far too many lives are lost to the disease. Survival rates have not improved in the last thirty years and mouth cancer now takes more lives than testicular and cervical cancer combined.
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