Keeping healthy

22 December 2014
Volume 30 · Issue 5

Elaine Tilling explains the importance of dental hygiene.

Instruction in self-performed, mechanical plaque removal has been the bedrock of oral disease prevention for the past century. Maintaining a good level of oral hygiene is the key to sound oral health and the prevention of periodontal disease for the majority of patients.


However, we also know that establishing and maintaining effective biofilm (plaque) control is not just about having the manual dexterity to brush effectively but also the many factors that strongly influence compliance and motivation. These factors include attitude, understanding, beliefs and lifestyle, all of which need to be taken into consideration when trying to affect permanent change in a patient’s habits. Ensuring patients’ amenability to oral hygiene advice, reducing the risk of oral disease and maintaining oral health is a difficult and demanding goal for the dental profession, indeed, one of the most debated issues in public health is that of the effectiveness of health education.


Whilst there is evidence that oral health education/promotion can be effective in bringing about a change in patients’ knowledge and improving patients’ oral health, there is also further indicators that bespoke or tailored advice appears to be the most effective means of delivering oral hygiene advice. This is, particularly true for long-term compliance and specifically for patients with chronic periodontitis.


This is not an easy task in busy daily practice and not easy for patients either. Many people find that fitting an effective oral care routine into their busy lives is often the bottom of their priority list. We know that tooth brushing alone misses 40 per cent of the tooth’s surface and that for many patients’, interdental cleaning needs to become a routine part of their oral care. Tailored oral hygiene advice to include interdental cleaning given by dentists and hygienists, who are best placed to establish the most effective method and product for the patient concerned, is a crucial part of an effective preventive strategy. Effective interdental brushes, for example like those available from TePe, are suitable for all users and designed to reach below the gum line for optimum cleaning.


With more than half the adult population in the UK (53 per cent) suffering from gum disease, the importance of interdental cleaning cannot be ignored. Interdental brushes have been shown to be an efficient way to remove plaque from between the teeth, and just as importantly, they are simple to use thereby aiding compliance.


References available on request.