“It’s the best! It saves me so much time”

03 January 2023

Josine Ferlito shares her experience incorporating a dynamic digital note-taking platform into her everyday practice.

Josine Ferlito shares her experience incorporating a dynamic digital note-taking platform into her everyday practice.

Josine said, “Prior to finding Kiroku, I would often have to stay back after work for an extra hour every day to write my clinical notes. I had fast notes set up in dental for Windows which saved some time, but I still needed significant time to make sure my notes were complete from the day’s appointments.

“Day-to-day inefficient note taking was having an impact on my work. Even though they were thorough, my notes didn’t have headings and weren’t set out very well, so it would sometimes take a little while to refer back and find what I needed from a previous appointment. This slowed things down from one appointment to the next.

“I found Kiroku by accident. My son was playing a game on his phone and it popped up in an advert. I was curious and clicked on it. I loved the idea that it was web based and I didn’t need to buy any software. The one-month free trial meant I had no obligation and the pre-existing templates were already a thousand times better than any basic template I already had.”

Switching to Kiroku has really improved the note-taking experience for Josine, “Kiroku is always updating and adding new features. It feels like they add new features every week! I love the auto-edit template feature. It means that if I add something to my notes, it allows me to automatically add it to the template on the spot. It’s the best! And it saves me so much time.

“I also love that it’s pink now too ­– it makes me smile.

“I now take notes as I speak to my patient, I sanitise my mouse and keyboard between patients, so I can simply click through the template during appointments. The template contains all my questions and answers, so I know I have everything covered.

“I also no longer stay behind to write notes at the end of the day, because they’re written as the appointment happens in real-time. This means they are more accurate, as I’m not writing them from memory, and I can clarify anything I am unsure of there and then. If I need to add anything at the end of the appointment, it takes very little time and I can do it while the room is being sanitised for the next patient.”

Josine would definitely recommend Kiroku, “There is not a dentist I meet that I do not talk about Kiroku to. It’s more than just a note-taking solution. I have trained and mentored new graduates and overseas dentists who are registering in Australia and I always recommend they use Kiroku.

“I would recommend Kiroku because it helps with note taking and saves time, it assures clinicians they have met their obligations as a dentist, and it protects them should there ever be a dispute with their work. But, my number one reason for recommending is because it assists with the diagnostic sieve – which is where new graduates have the most difficulty. When diagnosing pain, Kiroku prompts dentists to check all the potential causes, asking patients all the right questions, performing all the correct tests and even advising them what to say. New graduates often forget to offer specialist referrals, or talk through the pros and cons of treatments – Kiroku prompts them with this information for a smooth and comprehensive workflow.”

For more information visit trykiroku.com