How do we prevent ourselves from getting stuck in unhealthy oral hygiene habits?

14 August 2023

Leading oral health brand TePe has launched a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of good dental hygiene, encouraging consumers to make small changes to their daily routine to benefit their oral health. 

Leading oral health brand TePe has launched a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of good dental hygiene, encouraging consumers to make small changes to their daily routine to benefit their oral health. 

The ‘Make The Change’ campaign follows a new study of 2,000 UK adults, which reveals that millions of people don’t like change - but recognise it could be holding them back. 

The survey found that 26 per cent of adults lack the confidence to try new things, whilst one in seven (14 per cent) worry their attitude to change will negatively affect their health. 

Although 61 per cent of respondents feel like they have at times been ‘stuck-in-a-rut’, more than one in three (34 per cent) recognise that making small changes is a great way to shake themselves out of it.   

To lift a lid on the psychology of change, the brand has teamed up with behaviour psychologist Jo Hemmings and dental therapist Amanda Sheehan to create a downloadable report with expert advice on how making small changes to daily habits can improve health and wellbeing. 

Jo explained, “People are reluctant to change for a number of reasons, including fear of the unknown or a loss of control; attachment to familiar habits; previous negative experiences or confirmation bias, where they are simply resistant to change. Or they may be risk-averse people by nature. 

“However, embracing change gives us opportunities to become more adaptable and resilient, to achieve personal growth and prevent us from getting stuck in unhealthy habits. It also can act as a preventative measure for health issues that may occur further down the line.”

The survey carried out via OnePoll, went on to find there is a stark lack of awareness about oral health and its wider implications. Whilst eight in 10 (80 per cent) respondents feel their oral health routine is effective, 75 per cent fail to floss, whilst two-thirds (67 per cent) don’t clean between their teeth daily.  

Over time, plaque build-up between the teeth can lead to cavities, gum disease and possibly even tooth loss. This can also have negative consequences for our health and wellbeing, with various studies linking poor dental hygiene to conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. 

Amanda said, “It is understandable that many people are apprehensive about changing their daily habits – including their oral care routine. However, it is clear from the survey findings that greater education about how to look after our teeth and gums is needed. 

“It is not enough for adults to simply clean their teeth with a traditional toothbrush. Because most dental disease starts between the teeth where food and plaque accumulate, along with regular dental appointments and brushing teeth twice a day, it’s important for adults clean between the teeth daily, using floss or interdental brushes. 

“Through our campaign, we hope to encourage people to incorporate interdental cleaning as part of an everyday oral care routine. In turn, this will surely then become a ‘habit’ that is hard to break!” 

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