Getting to yes: top tips for enhanced treatment acceptance

11 February 2023

Tif Quershi provides advice on developing rapport with patients.

Tif Quershi provides advice on developing rapport with patients.

One hurdle that every clinician will face during the course of their career is a patient declining treatment. But why do patients reject treatment plans, and how can you boost your levels of treatment acceptance?

Every case is different, but there are certain measures that professionals can take to help patients feel more confident about any proposed plans and encourage that all-important “yes”.

Build a true relationship with your patients

At the core of every appointment is the relationship you have with your patient, with trust playing a vital role. It makes sense, then, that if a patient feels like they can’t trust you, it’s unlikely they are going to accept your treatment proposals. This is especially true if you are recommending invasive or expensive solutions – if a patient doesn’t have faith in your advice, they may consider exploring alternative options and seek a second opinion. In fact, research has revealed that a lack of trust in the dentist-patient relationship can even elevate patient anxiety levels, which in turn could lead to more instances of them declining treatment plans.

But how to build trust? As with all relationships in life, it’s important to see people as individuals and not just a number. Although limited appointment time does make this difficult, there’s always the opportunity to have a quick talk with your patient about their lives and their feelings that day. This will help you to ascertain how they’re feeling about their appointment as well as give them the chance to air any concerns.

You may also consider giving patients follow-up calls post-appointment to see how they are and to make sure they know you care. A study from Harvard University found that voice contact was much more effective at building trust. While a follow-up text will be appreciated, a quick call where possible is likely to help solidify positive relationships.

Keep things clear and simple

As a professional, it’s easy to forget that patients usually don’t understand industry-specific or technical language. What may seem like a simple explanation to you could be a muddle of jargon to a patient, and this could be a deciding factor should they choose not to proceed with treatment.

Using too much jargon not only runs the risk that a patient will not understand the treatment being proposed, but it may also make them feel unintelligent or belittled. Overuse of jargon often makes it harder for people to connect with what’s being said, makes them feel isolated and can even lead to miscommunication further down the line – all issues that will negatively impact treatment acceptance rates.

As such, the best approach is to always keep things as simple as possible. You can also supplement your treatment plans with leaflets and other media to help patients understand what you’re proposing. This way, they have resources they can look at in their own time, helping to encourage considered, informed decisions.

The power of options

Another potential reason that patients reject treatment plans is that the options they are offered aren’t in line with what they can afford, or what they are willing to undergo. Although it’s tempting to suggest the most cutting-edge treatment, a patient may not have the disposable income or be open to this level of treatment. A good example is treating edentulism – a dental implant may replace a missing tooth, but many will opt for the more affordable option of a removable prosthesis if this is more in line with their budget and lifestyle. Therefore, it’s vital to communicate with patients and discuss various options, and provide a list of potential treatments that appeal to a range of budgets.

Confidence in every case

A study performed on dental professionals found that greater confidence in their skills directly correlated with higher levels of treatment acceptance. As such, a fundamental part of increasing treatment acceptance is developing the skills to enable you to confidently overcome every challenge.

When faced with a complex case, if a patient detects that you aren’t feeling confident in the solutions you’re suggesting, this will inevitably make them feel uncertain of how to proceed. Knowing how to diagnose, treatment plan and treat every case is hugely beneficial.

The Complete GDP course from the IAS Academy is an excellent option for clinicians of all experience levels who want to learn this skill. Covering both simple and complex cases, this programme is taught over three comprehensive two-day modules, with the majority of the time dedicated to hands-on implementation. The programme also includes a module dedicated to patient communication, record keeping and other important considerations that are all geared towards helping increase treatment acceptance in every case.

The “yes” is just the beginning

Ultimately, whether a patient will say yes to your proposed treatment plans relies on a number of factors. However, by building confidence in your skills, communicating clearly and building trust, patients will be more willing to say that all-important “yes”.  

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