GDC professional standards review

16 November 2016
Volume 31 · Issue 6

The most recent review of the General Dental Council (GDC) by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) has demonstrated a significant improvement against the Standards of Good Regulation.

In its 2016 annual review of the GDC, it found that it is meeting 21 of the 24 standards, up from the 15 met in the 2015 review.

The PSA assesses performance in the core functions of all professional regulators. The report confirms the GDC is meeting:


Commenting on the PSA report, Ian Brack, chief executive of the General Dental Council (GDC), said: “We have invested significant effort in improving our performance against the standards of good regulation, and that effort is paying off.

“Once again, we have met all the requirements for standards and guidance, and for education and training, and we are now meeting all those for registration.

“We know that our performance in fitness to practise has struggled in the face of enormous increases in caseload in recent years and we’ve worked very hard to turn that around. And we know there is still much work to be done.

“But if the system of dental regulation is really going to protect patients effectively, be fair to registrants and be cost effective, we know that it needs fundamental reform based on strong partnerships and collaboration by all involved, including the profession itself. We can’t count on or wait for legislation to do it all for us.

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