From around the globe
Orthodontists from 106 countries spread across six continents are represented among the 4,500 orthodontists who are signed up so far for the 8th International Orthodontic Congress in London in September.
The numbers are expected to rise as this figure only represents those signed up at the deadline for the Early Bird Registration.
Colleagues are coming in large numbers from the furthest corners of the globe, in particular Australia, Indonesia, Japan and China. This is described as “a fabulous response to our invitation to participate!” by Congress Chairman, Jonathan Sandler.
As might be expected, the UK and Europe – outstandingly Germany, Denmark, France, Sweden and Spain - have the largest number of delegates, representing more than 50 per cent of the registrations at this stage.
With more than three months to go, the organisers hope to encourage countries which are less well represented in the list of 106 countries to send more delegates. Take-up could still increase from countries such as Russia, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Oman, the Slovak republic, the Middle East and many African regions, including South Africa.
Jonathan Sandler added: “We are delighted that so many people are travelling literally around the world, to be with us in September. We are expecting many more registrations in the coming three months. The figure of 4,500 is based on the number registered ahead of the deadline for the Early Bird Registration. We are delighted that so many people are travelling literally around the world, to be with us in September.
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