They include:
- Attendance at the complimentary seminars
- Attendance at the feature lectures
- Walking around the exhibition
- Answering questions relating to the dental and business articles in the show guide
- Taking part in the Knowledge hunt
So whether you prefer to learn hands-on or by listening, discussing, reading or a combination of all three, there is something to suit everyone.
Complimentary seminars
The hour long complimentary seminars covering the core subjects recommended by the GDC will be hosted over the three day event giving visitors the opportunity to gather valuable verifiable CPD during their trip to the exhibition. Showcase visitors can attend a maximum of one seminar each day and will receive up to one hour of verifiable CPD entry. The 300 seat lecture theatre has been designed to cope with the expected demand so there is no need for advance booking. Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis so you are free to choose which session you wish to attend. Full terms and conditions can be found at
Feature lectures
There will be feature lectures taking place before the exhibition opens on Friday and Saturday. These will provide useful insights into the latest developments in dentistry. The lecture theatre has ample capacity to cope with demand so there is no need for advance booking. Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, so come early to get the best seats. Full terms and conditions can be found at
Walking around the exhibition
Showcase provides the perfect opportunity to learn about the latest materials, equipment, products, services and technologies in one location, enabling the core CPD subject to be comprehensively covered to improve knowledge and understanding of new techniques.
Answering questions in the show guide
Following the success of the initiative in 2009, members of the dental team will be able to gain verifiable CPD hours for reading the show guide which accompanies BDTA Dental Showcase.
There will be a total of five articles featuring in a special CPD section of the guide covering clinical and business topics.
The knowledge hunt
The knowledge hunt, being introduced for the first time in 2010, gives visitors the opportunity to record key information as they walk around the exhibition. Questions will be included in the show guide which you will be able to answer as you visit stands in the hall.
BDTA Dental Showcase 2010 takes place October 14-16, 2010, at ExCeL London. To register in advance for a complimentary ticket visit, call the registration hotline on 01494 729959 or text your name, address, occupation and GDC number to 07786 206 276. Advance registration closes September 30, 2010. On-the-day registration: £10 per person.