Four issues which will define dentistry in 2016
With the new year well and truly underway, what lies ahead for dentistry in the coming year? In a year which promises to shake up the future of the nation’s oral health for years to come leading oral health charity the British Dental Health Foundation has taken a look at what it believes will be some of the defining issues of dentistry in 2016.
1. A sugar tax will change lives – In February the UK Government is due to unveil their obesity strategy to finally address the state of the nation’s sugar addiction. With nearly half of eight year olds having visible signs of decay on their teeth we have long campaigned for a sugar tax to help stop the spread of a completely preventable problem.
David Cameron has acknowledged the issue himself saying “I don't really want to put new taxes on anything but we do have to recognise that we face something of an obesity crisis.”
The Government has previous shied away from a so called ‘sugar tax’ but with recent reports that they could be changing their minds after the overwhelming success of the ‘bag tax’ it remains to be seen if they will make a key decision which could improve the dental health, and overall health, far beyond 2016, and for generations to come.
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