Chris Barrow, Les Jones, Sheila Scott, Simon Tucker and Ashley Latter raised a whopping total of £38,064 (including Gift Aid). The campaign was given an additional boost when visitors to Dental Showcase were encouraged to do their bit on a spin bike. Even Sara Hurley, CDO for England, donned some lycra to encourage last minute donations! The team was sponsored by Practice Plan, Dental Sky, Wesleyan and Dental Focus.
Simon Tucker, CEO for Dental Sky, explained why he took on the challenge, “We’re all getting older and sadly many of us will experience cancer in our lives. The NHS has launched a huge campaign highlighting the danger of obesity and cancer, so it made sense to do something physical which would raise awareness of the link between the two as well as raising funds for Cancer Research.
"Dental Professionals are almost certainly aware of the amazing work Bridge2Aid does in Africa training local medical officers to carry out basic dentistry. As we all work in the dental sector, it was an obvious choice to make them a beneficiary of our efforts as too was BrushUpUK, a charity that provides dental education and guidance to vulnerable groups in society.”
The fundraising page will remain open for anyone who would like to support the challenge -