Fast food – a convenience or a complication?

17 April 2023

Alison Reid considers the worrying impact of dietary choices.

Alison Reid considers the worrying impact of dietary choices.

After a busy day at work, or after a night out, the UK’s favourite pastime is to order a takeaway. And it’s easy to see why fast food has become such a staple to modern lives – it’s quick, easy and filling. Nowadays, however, we understand that the overconsumption of fast food presents plenty of risks to our health. As a dental professional, the consumption of fast foods in patients, especially those already at risk of oral health issues, is especially worrying. The dental team must work together to ensure that patients are adequately supported with relevant dental health information, so they can make the right choices regarding their health.

What do the statistics tell us?

Takeaways are often seen as a ‘treat’, but more often than not many individuals rely upon fast food and takeaways for an easy alternative to cooking. Trends in the nation’s health suggest that there are serious issues regarding the overconsumption of fast food.

As of 2022, it’s thought that the UK has around 46,248 takeaway and fast food businesses. Understandably, the pandemic affected consumer behaviour around fast foods, with the average spend per person per year rising by almost half, from £452 to £641, in 2019 and 2021 respectively. Now more than ever, fast food is readily available almost everywhere; food delivery companies have also made consuming fast foods just that much easier. In the Food Foundation’s ‘Broken Plate 2022’ report, around 32 per cent of advertising for food and soft drinks contributes towards ‘less healthy’ options, in comparison to around one per cent for fruit and vegetables. The report also highlighted that the number of children who are starting their first year of school with obesity has risen by almost 50 per cent in one year.  In addition, research has associated certain life events, such as starting full-time employment or becoming a parent, with an increase in fast food consumption.

Statistics estimate that consuming takeaway meals or meals out of the house contributes to a higher consumption of calories: research further suggests that environmental exposure to takeaway food outlets at home, work and during commuting could contribute to a greater body mass index (BMI) and greater odds of obesity. Unsurprisingly, takeaway/fast foods have a poor nutritional profile. In light of this, it’s not difficult to see how the overconsumption of fast foods can seriously impact our health.

Eat what’s right

As you well know, many fast-food items are high in fats, sugars, salts and processed preservatives, which can wreak havoc on the tooth’s enamel and on the sensitive gingival tissues. Poor nutrition can majorly impact oral health, too, with links to caries and periodontal and oral mucosa diseases. The common ramifications of consuming fast foods can affect the oral cavity, too. Obesity is an accepted risk factor for the overconsumption of fast foods, with the literature showing that overweight/obese children may be more vulnerable to caries, while another study found that young women with a higher BMI had poor oral health and a greater prevalence of caries. Other related comorbidities can include insulin resistance, the risk of which is thought to increase when fast food is consumed two or more times a week.

It can be challenging to have these conversations with your patients. Many may feel judged, shocked, or even indignant. Dental professionals often talk to patients about delicate topics, so it’s likely that you’ve been in this position before. And while you cannot influence what patients consume, you can help them to see the importance of making better decisions regarding their health. Relevant oral health guidance, for example, can help to ensure that the risks of oral diseases are kept to a minimum. When patients can better understand why you’re advising what you are, they can better appreciate the significance of a more balanced, varied diet.

Protecting the oral cavity

When educating patients, you can also suggest dental products that help them to maintain general oral health. For instance, the Waterpik Water Flosser is proven to remove up to 99.9 per cent of plaque from treated areas, and is up to 50 per cent more effective for improving gum health vs string floss. It’s also easy to use and needed for only a minute a day to provide a deep clean, removing debris from between the teeth and below the gumline. As the world’s number one water flosser brand, you can recommend Waterpik with confidence.

Our diet plays a monumental role in our health, especially in our oral health. Tackling the overconsumption of fast food is not something the dental sector can do alone, but with the right oral health advice, patients can better protect their teeth from the commonly-associated complications relating to a poor diet.


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