Event tackles dental anxiety in young people

10 August 2023

A Northamptonshire dental therapist has launched a series of free events for children to address dental anxiety.

A Northamptonshire dental therapist has launched a series of free events for children to address dental anxiety.

The ‘Sensory Dentistry’ sessions are designed for children who have dental anxiety, have never seen a dentist or have mental health problems, including sensory impairments.

Michaela Robinson, a dental therapist and owner of MCR Dental Services conducted the first session at Daventry Together Dental practice on July 28, 2023.

In a comment to Daventry Express, Michaela said, “It was brilliant. It couldn’t have gone any better. I was able to give the parents advice as well as the children. We had one child that actually cried because he had to leave.”

The idea for the project came to Michaela during a consultation. A child who required fillings could not relax to receive treatment. So, she played one of the patient’s favourite songs to help them calm down.

Michaela said, “I just happened to ask what their favourite song was. We got everything done. We got all the treatment done just by providing a safe space.”

To tailor the events to specific needs, Michaela created a questionnaire for her patients. The answers helped her to create a comfortable environment for children with sensory needs.

“It was a great success. The children ran straight into the calming tent. It was amazing to see them just walk into the practice. Not everyone wanted to come into the surgery, but they could play in the waiting area, and I brought in some teddies for them to feel comfortable,” said Michaela.

The practice’s waiting room has been transformed into a calming space complete with “a light projector playing white noise music, a relaxation tent, fidget toys, colouring books, and tooth-friendly snacks.”

Michaela added, “I think it’s a great way to build a report, even simply bringing the parents into a non-judgmental place where the children may have things done if they want to, and don't have to if they don't.”