Launched at the start of 2013, the Denplan Discount Network is designed to provide Denplan practices with access to the 200,000 employees currently covered by its corporate benefit products, by offering them special discounted rates.
Now with 2,000 Denplan dentists part of the network, and more joining all the time, Denplan can actively work with employers to ensure their staff are aware of all the participating dentists in their area, through a secure, easy to use website.
The website show the participating dentists local to the employee, the level of discount offered and the employee can simply pay the practice as normal - claiming back their benefit entitlement directly from Denplan.
Denplan managing director, Steve Gates, commented: “the Denplan Discount Network has gone from strength to strength in the last year and we’re thrilled to have reached the 2,000th member marker. The more dentists that join the network the more popular and strong it becomes and it just goes to show how Denplan is using its unique brand positioning to drive patients into Denplan practices.”