DHSC update on mandatory reporting of interactions with healthcare professionals

09 September 2022

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is preparing to implement new reporting requirements for interactions between industry and healthcare professionals (HCPs).

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is preparing to implement new reporting requirements for interactions between industry and healthcare professionals (HCPs).

Mandatory reporting requirements are intended to be introduced from autumn of 2023, and the British Dental Industry Association (BDIA) has engaged with the DHSC from an early stage regarding implementation. Guidelines on interactions with HCPs form an important part of the BDIA's own Code of Practice. The BDIA has encouraged the DHSC to take a proportionate, sector-specific approach to any new reporting requirements and associated mechanisms.

The BDIA understands that a six week consultation will be launched by the DHSC in the autumn of 2022, and that draft legislation is expected to be introduced to parliament in spring of 2023.

 The consultation is expected to cover:

  • The information that can be provided by industry
  • The scope of the recipients receiving payments
  • The scope of payments that are made to HCPs
  • The frequency of reporting requirements
  • The level of information to be made publicly available.

The BDIA will continue to circulate updates as they become available, and will seek input from member companies when the consultation launches.