Dentists face race against time to deliver COVID-19 training
Dentists redeployed to England's urgent dental care centres are signing up to a new online resource to prepare for practice.
Due to standard Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGP), the dental profession is among the most vulnerable of all healthcare groups.
As UDCs go live in England, dental teams have been uncertain how to establish what is best practice in both the triage and treatment of patients.
Now a group of dental professionals working in all sectors of dentistry have combined their skills and knowledge to create the training, available on the ProDentalCPD platform.
Chair of North Yorkshire & Humber Local Dental Network, Simon Hearnshaw, explained how the training modules evolved: 'Dental teams need to be aware of protocols that are crucial in providing necessary urgent care that is safe for teams and their patients. It was a matter of thinking outside the box and for the dental profession to provide its own solution to the challenges that lay ahead. We are all in this together, but it was a race against time.'
He contacted Rob Dyas, a Yorkshire-based oral surgeon and founder of ProDentalCPD, which is the training provider.
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