Dental society welcomes president for 2024

03 September 2024
Shannu Bhatia BSPD president 2024

Shannu Bhatia is set to be welcomed by the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry (BSPD) as its president at its Annual Scientific Conference in September 2024.

Shannu will succeed Paula Waterhouse as BSPD president during the conference, which will have the theme ‘The right care, at the right time.’ She has a wealth of experience in paediatric dentistry and is a clinical reader and honorary consultant at Cardiff University.

Society members are set to convene in the Centre for Student Life at Cardiff University on September 12 and 13, 2024, where Shannu will discuss her research focus on shaping the profession's future through nurturing talent.

According to the BSPD, the profession is familiar with the concept of delivering the right care at the right time, ensuring patients are offered the most appropriate clinical care, in a timely manner and ideally near to their home.

However, for Shannu this conference strapline has a double-entendre. She believes timely, appropriate patient care is fundamental. However, she is also striving to show the importance of ensuring the mental and physical wellbeing of dentistry students, trainees and staff which in the long-term supports the delivery of high-quality patient care.

Shannu said, “I care passionately about our profession. So, for me ‘The right care, at the right time’ is as much about nurturing the wellbeing of the dental workforce, as it is delivering for our patients. At the heart of what we do is people. Working with people - our patients, our students and our staff.”

About Shannu

Having faced personal challenges during her career, Shannu focuses on supporting and encouraging students who are the future workforce.

Shannu grew up in India and graduated from Maulana Aza Medical College (MAMC) in Delhi University. She completed her postgraduate training at Calcutta University.

She explained that moving to the UK with her husband was a significant challenge. They were both pursing their early careers as junior doctors in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

Shannu has credited this period in her life, when she might only see her husband passing in the corridor on ward rounds, with developing the resilience that has helped her appreciate the proportionate relationship between hard work and reward.

Shannu found her calling in paediatric dentistry as a house officer in Edinburgh and then worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. She was determined to specialise in paediatric dentistry, so she undertook specialist training programmes at the Eastman Dental Hospital UCLH and Cardiff University Dental Hospital to become a consultant in paediatric dentistry.

She added, “As paediatric dentists, we hold a unique and profound role in shaping the oral health and wellbeing of the youngest members of our society. Our work is not merely treating teeth; it is about nurturing smiles, fostering confidence, and laying the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health.

“This philosophy aligns with the ethos of BSPD – and will be a focus during my presidential year. I am incredibly excited, honoured and humbled to be incoming president for BSPD 2024/5.”