July saw the launch of a new toothpaste and boosting serum combination, Unilever’s Regenerate Enamel Science. This system consists of an Advanced Toothpaste for daily brushing and a Boosting Serum (with two custom-fit mouth trays) for application at home, monthly for three consecutive days. When used in combination with the daily Advanced Toothpaste, the Boosting Serum increases the Advanced Toothpaste effectiveness by 43 per cent, enhancing the power of enamel regeneration.
Unilever invited delegates to the iconic setting of the Altitude 360 at the Millbank tower in London, where guests had panoramic views over Westminster. Professor Nicola West, an academic and consultant in periodontology and co-author of a review article about erosion that was published in the Journal of Dentistry started the launch off by informing delegates of the issues of toothwear in the UK today. In the UK “54 per cent of young adults suffer with toothwear as opposed to 30 per cent in Europe.” She put this down to the fact that people want a healthy lifestyle and this can encompass a lot of acidity from fruits and fruit juices.
She went on to explain “We now have proven scientific evidence, showing that NR-5 technology works to remineralise the tooth, and this solution is fast acting and easy to use.” The new in vito interproximal erosion model investigated the effectiveness of novel toothpaste (calcium silicate/phosphate) and dual phase gel (calcium silicate/phosphate) to remineralise acid softened enamel at the area of tooth to tooth contact between the teeth. The model showed a new concept of delivery and clearly demonstrated increased remineralisation from the new formulations, significantly greater than fluoridated pastes alone. It did come to light however that Regenerate Enamel Science is yet to be tested against other remineralising toothpastes.
Fred Schäfer, a principle research scientist in oral care and co-author of a review article about erosion that was published in the Journal of Dentistry, was next to speak on the topic of toothwear.
Fred went over some of the studies that have been done with Regenerate Enamel Science, which confirmed the regeneration of enamel with results being obvious after just three days. He also demonstrated that Regenerate Enamel Science was most effective when both the toothpaste and the serum were combined.
He said “The innovative mechanism of action of the calcium silicate and sodium phosphate in this novel dental care system provides enamel re-hardening that is significantly greater with fluoride-only toothpaste. This new approach has been proven to help restore acid-challenged enamel.”
Both speakers took questions at the end of the lectures and delegates were then invited to say for a few drinks, take in the views and network.